Check Bangkok Bank holidays for the calendar year 2020 in Thailand. Check 2020 bank holidays dates in Thailand for New Year’s Day, Makha Bucha Day, Chakri Memorial Day, Songkran Festival, Labor Day, Coronation Day, Wisakha Bucha Day and H.M. Queen Suthida Bajrasudhabimalalakshana’s Birthday.
Category: Bank Holidays
Bank Holidays
Bank of Israel Holidays 2020
Check Bank of Israel holidays for the calendar year 2020 in Israel. Check 2020 bank holidays dates in Israel for Feast of Purim (Tel Aviv), Eve of Pesach (Passover), Pesach (Passover) 1st day, Last Day of Pesach (Passover), Israel Independence Day.
Bank of Singapore Holidays 2020
Check Bank of Singapore holidays for the calendar year 2020 in Singapore. Check 2020 bank holidays dates in Singapore for New Year’s Day, Chinese New Year, Good Friday, Labor Day, Vesak Day, Hari Raya Puasa, Hari Raya Haji, National Day and Deepavali.
Central Bank of Cyprus Holidays 2020
Check Central Bank of Cyprus holidays for the calendar year 2020 in Cyprus. Check 2020 bank holidays dates in Cyprus for New Year’s Day, Epiphany, Green Monday, Greek Independence Day, Cyprus National Day, Good Friday (Orthodox), Easter Monday (Orthodox), Orthodox Easter Tuesday, Labor Day and Orthodox Pentecost Monday.
Central Bank of Iraq Holidays 2020
Check Central Bank of Iraq holidays for the calendar year 2020 in Iraq. Check 2020 bank holidays dates in Iraq for New Year’s Day, Army Day /1921, Spring Day, Labour Day, Eid-al-Fitr, 14th July Revolution, Eid al-Adha.