Tag: Public Holidays 2014

Check list of public holidays for the year 2014.

Belize Public Holidays 2014

Check Public Holidays 2014 in the Belize. Check Belize public Holidays 2014 Calender declared by the Government of Belize. Check dates and day of holidays in Belize like New Year’s Day, National Heroes and Benefactors Day, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Monday, Labour Day, Sovereign’s Day/Commonwealth Day, St. Geroge’s Caye Day, Independence Day, Pan American Day, Garifuna Settlement Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day.

Malta Public Holidays 2014

Check Public and National Holidays 2014 in the Malta. Check Malta public Holidays 2014 Calender declared by theGovernment of Malta. Check dates and day of holidays in Malta like New Year’s Day, Feast of St. Paul’s Shipwreck, Feast of St. Joseph, Freedom Day, Good Friday, Workers’ Day, Independence Day, Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Republic Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day.